The formation of information resources on the state of the environment and the provision of public authorities and local self-government bodies with reliable information on the state of the environment, ensuring the implementation of state functions in the areas of subsoil use, water relations, relations related to environmental protection and management of specially protected natural territories of regional significance in the Arkhangelsk region are the key activities of the institution.
To achieve the set goals, the institution carries out activities related to the quantitative assessment of anthropogenic impacts on the environment, with the creation of systems for a comprehensive assessment of the state of the environmental situation, as well as modeling and forecasting the development of the situation. Since 2007, GIS technologies have been intensively applied and developed in the institution.
A geoinformation system (GIS) is a multifunctional information system designed for the collection, processing, modeling and analysis of spatial data, their display and use in solving computational problems, preparation and decision–making.
Geoinformation systems are conducted in six directions.