The eco-trail in the Siysky Nature Reserve is a great opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of the pine forest, admire the beauty of the Siysky lakes and just communicate with nature. The change of forest and water landscapes surprises and fascinates at the same time, and a small area of a forest fire 20 years ago makes you think about the traces left by a person in the forest.
Information materials are placed on stands at six key points of the route, direction signs and color markings will help you not to lose your way.
The route of the walking ecological trail starts from the eastern border of the reserve, then goes along the existing forest road to Lake Lobskoye. On the picturesque shore, which has a place of rest. Be sure to rest and refresh yourself after the first part of the journey!
Lake Lobskoye has an average depth of about 5 m . The ichthyofauna is represented by such species as perch, pike, magpie. Lovers of quiet fishing can try their luck.
Then the route runs along the shore of the lake. Here and there a view of the water surface opens from the road. On the site of the forest that burned down in 2001, the result of reforestation can be seen - pine forest crops grow in even rows here.
The final point of the ecotrope is located on the southern shore of Lake Lobskoye. The information stand will tell you about the near-water birds of the reserve, and if you behave quietly and carefully, you will be able to observe their life and discover the house of the black woodpecker.
We invite hikers and guests of the reserve to visit the ecological trail "To the Siy Lakes"!
Do not forget to take comfortable shoes, water, tea in a thermos and food for a light snack. We urge you to take with you all the garbage that you brought into the forest!
We recommend leaving the car at the beginning of the trail! Remember that when visiting a specially protected natural area, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the regime of its protection. More information about the reserve can be found on our website in the section protected areas – Kholmogorsky district – Siysky Reserve or by following the link:Сийский