The activity of the institution is multifunctional

The integrated work of the Arkhangelsk Region State Budgetary Institution "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection" ensures environmentally safe sustainable development of the Arkhangelsk Region and control in the field of environmental protection
About the institution
Official information
Protected areas
Management of specially protected natural territories of regional significance;
Information resources
Formation of information resources about the state of the environment
Formation of ecological culture of the population
Accounting of radioactive substances and radioactive waste


On our website you get acquainted with protected areas of regional significance Arkhangelsk region

Protected areas on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region
Protected areas of regional significance
nature reserves
памятников природы
IAS of protected areas of Russia
GIS protected areas of the Arkhangelsk region
Map-scheme of protected areas
Contacts of SPNA employees

Visit our

Ecological trails are being created in the territories of protected areas of regional significance in order to create conditions for regulated tourism and recreation. Visiting ecological trails will be interesting for everyone who wants to get acquainted with unique natural objects.

Find the protected areas and eco-routes of interest on the map

Monitor the air quality

Observations of atmospheric air pollution are carried out at stationary automated control posts in the city of Koryazhma and in the city of Arkhangelsk

Learn more about the state and environmental protection of the Arkhangelsk region

In order to provide citizens, state authorities and local self-government bodies, state and other organizations with information on the state and environmental protection of the Arkhangelsk Region, the Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection prepares an annual report on the State and Environmental Protection of the Arkhangelsk Region

Use information resources

Protected areas of the Arkhangelsk region
Air monitoring
Waste disposal facilities
Greenhouse gases

Our guidance

Our guidance
Mikhailov Igor Petrovich
Director of the institution
Our guidance
Shashin Eduard Vladimirovich
Associate Director
Our guidance
Filin Viktor Ivanovich
Associate Director

How to get to us

14 Pavel Usov str., Arkhangelsk, 163002

+7 (8182) 68-50-81

Operating mode

Mon-Thu: 08:30-17:15

Fri: 08:30-16:00

Lunch: 12:30-13:00

Sat-Sun: output

You can contribute to the development of protected areas of regional significance, information resources and ecological routes. All the funds raised will be used for the implementation of our projects.

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+7 (8182) 68-50-81