General information

The State Budgetary Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection" was established by the decree of the Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region dated April 25, 2001 No. 215 "On the establishment of the regional state institution "Directorate of the Environmental Fund of the Arkhangelsk Region".

The institution was reorganized on July 13, 2010 by joining the "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection" of the "Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Territories of Regional Significance". The founder of the state budgetary institution of the Arkhangelsk region "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection" (GBU of the Arkhangelsk Region "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection") is the Arkhangelsk Region represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of the Arkhangelsk region.

Full name:

State Budgetary Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection"

Abbreviated name:

SBI  of the Arkhangelsk Region "Center for Nature Management and Environmental Protection"

 Individual tax number


The code of the reason for the statement



163002, Arkhangelsk, Pavel Usov str., 14



+7 (8182) 68-50-81

Objectives of the institution:

  • formation of information resources on the state of the environment and provision of public authorities and local self-government bodies with reliable information on the state of the environment in the territory of the Arkhangelsk region for the development of forecasts of socio-economic development and making appropriate decisions for the environmentally safe, sustainable development of the Arkhangelsk region;
  • participation in the development and implementation of programs (including state, regional) and activities in the field of environmental protection, as well as in the field of waste management of production and consumption;
  • improving the environmental situation, ensuring environmental safety, accounting for radioactive substances and radioactive waste;
  • environmental education, formation of ecological culture of the population of the Arkhangelsk region;
  • management and maintenance of functioning of specially protected natural territories of regional significance in the territory of the Arkhangelsk region.

To achieve the set goals:

The Information and Analytical Department carries out:

  • maintenance and updating of databases and information systems on the state of the environment of the Arkhangelsk region; determination of the level of atmospheric air pollution;
  • preparation of a report on the state and protection of the environment;
  • collection, processing, provision of information on the state and pollution of the environment;
  • measures for the comprehensive survey of territories subjected to the greatest man-made loads;
  • work on maintaining a regional system of accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste in the Arkhangelsk region (RIAC Arkhangelsk region);
  • monitoring of pollution of the areas of falling of separating parts of rockets (RP OCR) on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region.

The Department of State Supervision and Environmental Education, separate structural units operating in the districts of the region, carry out:

  • ground patrol of specially protected natural territories;
  • carrying out activities for the creation and maintenance of full houses and information signs in protected areas of regional significance;
  • carrying out activities for the arrangement and maintenance of recreation areas;
  • carrying out measures for the arrangement and maintenance of salt pans, feeding grounds, pebbles, fluttering; carrying out measures for the manufacture and installation of duplicates; accounting of wildlife objects in the form of records and in the form of winter route records;
  • collection, processing, provision of information about protected areas of regional significance; organization and conduct of environmental education and promotion of respect for the environment;
  • creating conditions for regulated tourism and recreation in protected areas of regional significance.

The Department for Solid Municipal Waste Management and Construction carries out:

  • works on the implementation of contracts in the field of waste management in the territory of the Arkhangelsk region;
  • information support of waste management activities on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region.

  • The Administrative and Economic Department
    provides transport support to officials carrying out regional state environmental, geological control (supervision) and supervision in the field of protection and use of protected areas.
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    +7 (8182) 68-50-81